personal statement
一開始寫personal statement時,我其實不太知道怎麼下筆,雖然有看一些網路上的範例和教學,但還是沒有什麼想法。這邊Gary就花了許多時間跟我討論,前前後後也改了許多個版本,我覺得最簡單的方式是先列點,把重要的經歷寫下來,在思考怎麼包裝成一個連貫的故事。因此,personal statement的部分還是建議大家早點開始準備,寫完之後也要記得拿給家人朋友老師幫忙檢查邏輯和流暢度,盡量讓所有交出去的文件有一致性。
I have always had a plan to study for my master’s degree abroad and by chance I met Jocelin, a considerate, passionate and professional consultant at Gostudy. I really appreciate what she has helped me over the last two years and I also want to state three points to all of you why I strongly recommend Jocelin as your consultant. 我一直都有個計畫,希望可以出國就讀碩士學位,在因緣際會下, 我遇到GOSTUDY -Jocelin,很細心、熱情也很專業的顧問!非常謝謝Jocelin過去2年多的協助,我也想特別列出以下3點,說明我為什麼強烈推薦Jocelin!
1. Empathy (同理心) When I first began to choose my schools of the UK, I actually did not possess much background on those colleges. The only thing I told Jocelin was that I would like to stay in London and a few days later, Jocelin efficiently picked up some suitable schools for me followed by us starting my applications. Jocelin never complained that I knew nothing of the universities or the process of the application, instead she explained all the things that I needed to know with patience to me, which I have to say that her behaviour was quite touching and that her empathy really comforted me. 當我一開始選擇英國學校, 其實我不具有太多相關背景;我告訴Jocelin我想要待在英國的倫敦,這是我唯一的要求;過了幾天後Jocelin很快速的整理幾間合適的學校給我,我們便開始後續的討論,Jocelin中間從來沒有任何抱怨我對於學校的不懂,或是申請的任何問題,取而代之她很詳細的跟我解釋所有學校、科系資訊,很細心的告訴我那些資訊很重要,那些我需要留意...的建議,所以我想要特別說,我很感動她為我所做的一切讓我很安心!
2. Professionalism (職業的精神) There were many materials that I had to submit during the application and of course all of them had to be done in English. As a non-native speaker of English, I have benefited from Jocelin and another foreign consultant very much because not only did they provide me some examples of SOP and CV, they also helped me edite my application materials, making me have more faith in myself when I was applying for different schools. Confidence is essential when it comes to success and that is reason why I thank Jocelin so much. 在申請的過程有很多材料需要提供,當中都需要提供英文的資訊;以非英文為母語的學生,Jocelin和外籍顧問提供給我很多幫助,不論是SOP, CV... 的文件,都針對各間學校有不同的建議和版本,讓我更從容更有自信可以申請各間不同的學校;可以得到學校的入學許可,這些文件帶給我很大的信心,也是我非常感謝Jocelin的原因!
3. Not just a consultant (不只是顧問) Jocelin is not just a consultant but rather a friend to her students, too. She has always been by my side during my applications and I cannot remember how many times she has encouraged me. Even now if I have some personal issues, I will seek for her opinions because I trust her with all my heart. Jocelin不只是一位顧問對於學生更像是朋友; 在申請時她讓我感覺一直在我身邊,我已經不記得有多少次她不斷的在申請時鼓勵我;就算現在,我們還是一直都聯繫著,就算是一些私人問題,我還是會詢問Jocelin的意見,因為在我心中Jocelin是非常值得信賴的人!
All in all, it is my intention to say: For those who are still searching for a good consultant who can assist you in applications, Jocelin is definitely one of the best choices and I would also like to thank Jocelin again. 最後,我想要跟大家說,如果你們還在找合適的顧問,好的顧問來協助你們申請Jocelin一定是最好的選擇,再度謝謝Jocelin!